How Trenchless Meets the Demand for Cost-Effective Pipe Repair

How Trenchless meets the need for Cost-Effective Pipe Repair

The demand for cost-effective pipe repair options is growing. With unique challenges in changing industrial and residential markets, trenchless repair has become a go-to solution for many customers. And that demand is fueling rapid growth for plumbing companies who adopt new technology into their businesses. 

The Need for Cost-Effective Pipe Repair

With aging infrastructure, rapid growth in many different industries, and the increasing difficulty of repairing pipes underneath existing landscaping, roadways, and pavement, trenchless repairs like CIPP have seen a dramatic increase in demand.

With a more complex set of challenges in urban and suburban areas, as well as more concern over the environmental impact of conventional trench repairs, many commercial and residential customers are looking for alternatives. And trenchless repair offers many improvements over conventional open trenching, only one of which is reduced costs.

Direct Cost Savings

The most obvious benefit of trenchless repair is the reduced financial investment involved. By reducing timeframes, rehabilitation needs, and worker safety costs, trenchless technology is truly a more cost-effective pipe repair option in almost any situation.

Labor Costs

While some trenchless repairs won’t reduce labor costs, CIPP repair is specifically cost-effective since it often requires a much smaller crew than conventional repair methods. Both plumbing businesses and customers can benefit from having fewer required workers on the job.

Rehabilitation Costs

Trenchless methods require little to no disturbance of landscaping, hard surfaces, or roadways. They’re much more cost-effective pipe repairs for places that would require tearing apart existing structures and features. By removing the necessity of repairs outside of the primary work, the overall costs drop considerably.

Construction Equipment Costs

Heavy equipment is an expensive investment, and trenching is hard on that equipment. But trenchless CIPP repair does not require large machinery to perform. There’s no transporting diggers, trenchers, or excavators to get the job done, and the equipment that is required is durable and comparatively inexpensive.

Damage Reimbursement

With large equipment and digging, there’s always a chance of damaging nearby structures or underground utilities. But trenchless repairs limit these risks since the work is done within the damaged pipe and without intrusion into adjacent properties.

Insurance Costs

The dangers connected to most conventional pipe repairs, including trench cave-ins and machinery-related accidents, necessitate more expensive insurance coverage for both properties and employees. That cost transfers into the repair bills. CIPP repairs, along with many other trenchless methods, provide more cost-effective pipe repairs that are also safer than conventional repairs.

Indirect Cost Savings

It’s easy to see the cost difference in terms of dollars, but trenchless methods also provide cost-effective repair solutions in terms of time costs, convenience costs, and safety costs.

Safety for Communities

Open trenches pose dangers to community members, whether they’re on residential or municipal properties. Small projects could disrupt a single home’s yard, but larger projects will require large areas to be fenced off, rerouted, or shut down for days or even possibly weeks. Trenchless repairs, and CIPP in particular, avoid the need for larger shutdowns and disruptions.

Transportation Disruptions

The growing infrastructure around homes and businesses usually means the need for pulling up streets to access broken pipe sections. These disruptions can cause ripple effects in communities with heavy traffic, often resulting in delays in commute times miles from the work site. CIPP repair eliminates this type of disruption, even for large-scale projects.

Repair Lifespan

Many trenchless repair methods can extend the lifespan of existing pipes by as much as 50 years, providing a cost-effective pipe repair solution without completely replacing the damaged pipes. While conventional replacement can provide a similar lifespan extension, the minimally invasive nature of trenchless repair makes it a more affordable option.

Repair Timeframes

Since there are fewer site prep and rehabilitation needs, trenchless repair typically cuts down the timeframe of repairs dramatically. In fact, CIPP repairs that use UV light curing resins can be completed in only a few hours. 

The Advantage of CIPP for Cost-Effective Pipe Repairs

Today’s infrastructure repair needs demand a better solution than conventional pipe repair. With its expense, risks, and disruptive methods, digging and replacing lines is no longer a reasonable solution in many cases. But the advancements in trenchless repair in general, and CIPP repair in particular, have made it easier than ever to repair damaged and broken pipes in a cost-effective, safe, and environmentally friendly way.

With this growing demand for cost-effective pipe repair solutions, now is the perfect time to add CIPP services to your business. And with industry-leading training and best-in-class equipment from T3, you can get started serving your customers with cutting-edge solutions to their plumbing problems. Contact us today to get started!


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